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Alphabetical index of skin diseases   Diseases of the nails
Acrodermatitis continua with nail involvement
Nail involvement in acrodermatitis continua is not rare and may be misdiagnosed as onychomycosis
Alopecia areata (recurrent) with nail involvement
Anonychia is absence some (one or more) fingernails or toenails. Range of congenital and acquired conditions may cause this problem.
Artificial nails infection
Yeast infections and pseudomonas bacterial infections are complications sometimes associated with artificial nails
Beau’s lines of the nails
Beau’s lines are transverse grooves localized in any part of the nail, depending on the stage of the disease. The origin of this pathology is multifactorial and includes many causative factors.
Frictional melanonychia
Nails discoloration of the toes due to repeated frictional trauma
Green nail syndrome
Green nail syndrome - green discoloration of the nail plate is unusual presentations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
Spoon-shaped curved nails
Leukonychia is the most common nails discoloration, may be congenital or acquired. However, the exact etiology is uncertain. Leuconychia may develop in response to minor trauma and to resolve spontaneously. It may be caused by systemic diseases such as hypoalbuminemia or liver abnormality.
Lichen planus of nail
Lichen striatus with nail involvement
Lichen striatus is an uncommon disease pesents with lichenoid linear asymptomatic lesions with a tendency to spontaneous regression. Nail involvement is a rare clinical finding.
Long fingernail
Normal but long fingernail (due to psychological and cultural reasons)
Longitudinal chromonychia
Unknown linear brown discoloration of the nail plate and subungual tissues.( Probably subungual haematoma, systemic drugs, topical infection or repeated trauma "frictional melanonychia"). The condition has resolved spontaneously without treatment. Pseudo-Hutchinson's sign is visible due to periungual tissue transparency.
Longitudinal melanonychia (melanonychia striata)
Median nail dystrophy
Nail dystrophy of childhood (Trachyonychia)
Trachyonychya diagnosis for a variety of non infectious nail abnormalities with similar clinical symptoms (color, texture, shape changing) are not known to be related to any medical condition. All 20 nails may be involved.
Nails pitting
Nails pitting may be caused by chronic imperfect nail plate blood supply. This is associated with regional abnormal capillaries. It may occur in many skin and non-skin conditions, but more often in psoriasis.
Onychogryphosis refers to curved hypertrophic nails and is common for elderly.
Onychomadesis is defined as total separation of nail plate from the nail bed with subsequent nail shedding. It may be manifestations of systemic illness or drug-induced.
Orange nails discoloration
Some nail polishes may cause yellow or orange fingernails discoloration.
Pincer nail deformity
Pincer nail deformity is a curved ingrown toenail with two-sided penetration to the lateral nail folds.
Pterygium Inversum
Pterygium Inversum, is considered to be acquired condition characterized by the hyponychium, attached to an inner surface of the nail plate. Even a minor injury can be painful.
Pyogenic granuloma of nail fold associated with isotretinoin therapy
Pyogenic granuloma of nail folds is known as a side effect of isotretinoin treatment.
Subungual pyogenic granuloma
Central longitudinal dystrophy with transverse grooves
Yellow nails (chromonychia)
Nails discoloration due to exposure to uncertain substance or topical medication.
Curved nails
Onychophagia repeated fingernails self-injury by biting.
Gel polish manicure nail damage
Gel nail lacquer is very common cause of nails damage
To the alphabetical index of skin diseases

Webmaster Dr. Dubin Israeli Board Certified dermatologist

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